Saturday, November 6, 2010

Aluminum may Crafts - Interesting Craft Ideas

Kids love crafts and aluminum cans are the perfect foundation for commerce, because they are in abundance. The aluminum makes them rugged and water resistant at times (as provided above).

Free Craft aluminum can - ghost

For this project, you need an aluminum pop cans, clear acrylic spray paint, black and white fishing line, brushes, scissors and tape to pick up. Before you begin, remove the card from the top of the can. This may haveare broken in some way, might be a good idea, some additional exposure for non-original the way you want to get crushed. The silhouette of the ghost, the top of the can crush in an opposite direction at the bottom. If you are the edges must be smoothed over with masking tape. Depending on the type of paint used, and can be crushed in the colors it may take several coats to cover the can so it seems easywhite.

The black ink is now used to create the mouth and eyes. The opening of the jar, where it was extracted the card should be used as hands, mouth and eyes to be painted above the opening. Wiggle eyes can be used, but it is better to stick it all in once the project has been sealed. Allow the paint to dry and then another white point in the eye blacks. You can then use a 3-D effect with the eyes so that the white dots and two dots on dry blacks. This makesthe appearance of a student and gives him a bit 'more interesting details. Seal with spray acrylic phantom with as many layers as you want. Attach the fishing line on the back of ghostie then hung from a window or door!

Free aluminum can crafts - Christmas

Have you cleared 27 and rinsed aluminum cans, Christmas tree lights (one or two strands), spray paint, a glue gun, a foam or a piece of plywood and duct tape. Arrange the doses ofCreation of a strain of three doses in two rows, glued with hot glue. In addition, six cans glued together and put on top of the trunk. At the beginning of the sixth row (or first layer), create a five able to "branch", then four, then so on up to the top on that, looks like a Christmas tree. Spray paint the tree color you want, is that the lights with tape and put the lights between doses. Paste your tree on the piece of plywood, if they are hangingoutside, or use the foam for indoor use. Try it with stickers as ornaments, and also hit a tree!

Free Craft aluminum can - Cow

The article on this project include white, black and pink, white felt, sinuous eyes, an aluminum can (crushed) and the acrylic spray paint. Crush the can so the cow's head (the top of the can) on the bottom broke. (Must be removed) If there are jagged edges to soften the card with tape. Paint completelywhite paint, allow to dry. Pain black cow spots on the possible (they look like clouds) and a pink nose tab of the can. Wear white (or black), triangles found on the back of the head of the cow. Seal with acrylic spray and if this process is complete, glue on eyes sinuous. Instant cow! By following these simple instructions and with minor modifications, you can add a whole chicken!

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